Wednesday, November 16, 2005

MANHOLES: designer's creations?

WALKING has been my dose of exercise three times a week...

and I can't help but notice that MANHOLES here are quite different.

I intended to ask Jiji about it, but due to some things that kept me and of course, him, busy,

it slipped my mind.


Then last night, it happened.

That feature about MANHOLES,I mean....

It seems that every city/municipality here sport distinct designs.

Most are based on emblems of the city, or the place's specialty.

It could be a famous spot like>a Hot Spring, a mountain track, a historical castle....anything!Hence, when one sees the manhole, he will know the place.

For example, SAKURA or the CHERRY TREE remains the most popular motif,

followed by animals, food specialties,places of interest, and more....


The MANHOLE-WATCH group even ranked the most popular

and the most beautiful among them.

They said that that famous symbol of Osaka, the Glico ad, easily grabbed Rank # 1,

followed by the Kobe Tower.

Tokyo Tower made it to the Top Five.


Manholes in beautiful designs could never happen in Inang Bayan.....not in this age and time.....

Scavengers have moved to cutting the iron posts and/or grills along major roads and highways.

They even steal manholes which makes it more unbearable and dangerous when the rains and floods come by..

.Even a friend was robbed of her rusty garden set near her front gate in a moderate subdivision in LPC.

And the guards nor the policemen seem helpless on these matters.

Unless the authorities find ways and means to protect our public domain,

we will never achieve a better surrounding,

much less have better-looking manholes in the cities where we live....


Better check those manholes in your neighborhood.

They may be missing!


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